Little Seeds ~ Of Thought & Wisdom ~

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 15:42 Location: Playgroup Room

Imagine…. a place where, as a parent, you can go with your little ones, to be supported and heard.

Imagine…. a place where little seeds of wisdom are nurtured and where your experience, concerns and thoughts as a parent can be shared and valued.

Imagine…. a place where you can recharge, feel inspired, find companionship and a sense of community.

And…. enjoy a delicious morning tea.

Little Seeds is a place to explore parenting and the life of the child based on the work of Rudolf Steiner. 

Dates:    29th Oct - 19th Nov inclusive (4 Tuesdays)

Time:      9.15am - 11.15am

Cost:      $15 (includes morning tea)

Limited spaces so bookings are essential.

Please contact Gretta Harris 0425 752 586