
Craft Circle
Thu 27 Mar 2025 9.30am - 12.30pm Location: Banksia Place, 50 Nyell Road, Doonan
A space to connect creatively and socially.
Thursday 9.30am - 12.30pm (term weeks)
Banksia Place
$10 per session (contribution to cover materials)

Autumn Festival
Fri 04 Apr 2025 11.30am - 1pm Location: NPSS Hall
High school choir, Primary school re-enactment of St Michael defeating the dragon, Michaelic Verse reading, Dragon Bread sharing.
Please bring offerings of fruit, vegetables, or non-perishable items for The HARVEST TABLE. Offerings of hard fruit and hard vegetables and non perishables can be brought to the classroom throughout the week. Offerings of soft fruit and perishables can be brought to school on Autumn Festival day and left at the kitchen by the School Hall.
Parents warmly welcomed.
Preschool Autumn Festival
Friday 4th April 9.30am to 10.30am.

Present Parenting Workshops
Wed 30 Apr 2025 8.45am - 11.45am Location: Banksia Place, 50 Nyell Road, Doonan
These workshops are held over 6 weeks for 3 hours per week.
Commencing Term 2:
Every Wednesday for 6 weeks:
30 April I 7th May I 14th May I 21st May I 28th May I 4th June